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Showing posts from July, 2020

Career Opportunities After 2020

Are you worried about the case of choosing a career? Troubled about employment opportunities after 2020? This year has been tough for the entire world and is still continuing to be.  But, everyone needs to come out healthier and stronger to survive.  After the pandemic situation is over, you will realize the future impact that has been created, for a lifetime to come. To withstand in the upcoming situations, one needs to be more prepared, and adapt to the tough times when the career opportunities are at stake. With the motto to help you in every possible way, here we list and explain 7 career paths that could interest you and keep up with. 1. Software Developer The creative heads behind computer programming of all kinds. If you are someone who is into innovation and have the minds to explore new software capabilities, you can opt for the field. The ability to challenge others when they say it can't be done is one such quality that software developers possess. Once peo

7 Unsaid Rules of Friendship

You are into a deep conversation with your friends, and that's the moment they will crack the best jokes ever. You are afraid of the waters...but friends will still make you jump in it. You like somebody but wait for the right moment to tell. But friends, they will end up teasing you straight before that somebody. Friends are insane but no less than a blessing in your life. Here are 7 unsaid rules that friends follow. Unsaid, because these rules exist between friends even without any saying. 1 . No forced decisions  Friends never tell you what to do.  They will always show you two different sides to a dilemma. Which one to choose is always your decision.  2. Choose you without judgments   They have seen your best and your worst but still chose to love you unconditionally. They know about all your crazy ideas, evil deeds but will still choose to be with you, for you always 3. Valid reviews only Friends will always boost you frankly. When you ask them how to

If Success is Fame, Happiness is the Pride

You must have come across people reaching the heights of success? For some Success is Happiness but for others who struggle to find happiness in other forms, how many of them are happy really? Maybe None. Earning a successful life is what everyone strives for but even tougher is, Finding happiness in every single moment .  Happiness does not come along after achieving great things only.Imagine a person rich enough in family, friends, and income too. Even while having everything, he might end up being sad each day. Reasons can be conditions, misery to achieve more that has taken birth, or anything else.  One cannot always choose to be successful, but one can always choose to be happy in every condition.This reminds me about one of a story I heard,  Once a landlord, who had a large portion of land, he used to plant fruits on his land. There was a farmer, who used to work on some of the landlord's proportions. The landlord paid the farmer for all his wor


I once remember a kid of around 8 who was learning to ride a bicycle. He sat on the bicycle for the first time, so it was very obvious to be scared. And even horrifying, when he was told to ride it alone. Imagine your first time on a bicycle.  I feel dreadful thinking of it. My father who was walking beside me, while I rode for the first time, left the handle and I had no idea that he was left behind. When I noticed, he was not there to support me, I lost control of my balance and my brains too, and I fell down. I decided not to ever learn cycling again, but the next day I was forced to do go for it once again. I refused, but who would listen to me. So, we went I fell down even sooner that day.  And I got so angry that I kicked the bicycle. My father then came up to me and asked, what am I scared of..falling down or not finding him beside me. As a kid, I had no answer except saying, I was afraid. He held my hand and said, keep falling until you learn to ride, and even when you fall hun


1. Don't judge The girl whom you saw wearing suit- salwaar today,  you laughed at her, called her super sanskari wife material. She felt bad but little do you know is about how conservative her family is, the surroundings she has been living in for years. The clothes for you are a prototype for judging what her character is like, really? You never know what the other person is going through. Go ask them once what they feel, and your whole conception of looking towards them will change.  Always think about the consequences of your actions. Actions that do not break somebody's heart, actions that do not disrespect somebody's feelings. 2. Say what you feel "It takes sadness to know happiness and absence to value presence". One keeps suffering in silence, thinking their problems can't be solved either way. Correct yourself, if you think this way. When in trouble or sadness, asking for help is what will take you out of the discomfort and this is the eas


Do you also wish to build your own empire? Imagine the details with me, moving into an office well dressed, everyone wishing you as you move through the hallways, you enter your cabin, call your secretary for your to- do listed work and updates, you keep a check on everything, business meetings, busy and productive schedule, news about profits of your firm, and everyone praising you for the benefits, the fame that you and your team earn by working hard each day. Seems like a dream come true, TRUE? What if I say, it's possible and prove it to you right now!!  Here are a few examples to take a look on • Do you know the full form of KFC ? Of course not, because that does not matter. What if I ask you, Do you love KFC? The answer is Hell, Yeah. Now, this is what matters. KFC was started by a roadside restaurant by Colonel Harland Sanders . And guess what, he had no idea what wonders his fried chicken will bring to him in the future. Sanders was just five when his father di


1.Discover yourself Today, People tend to know others more than themselves. Like there's a fight between a couple, one out of them says out... I know what you are feeling right now. Seriously!? This might be true to some extent  But more important question is, Do you know yourself first? Do you even know what you are feeling at this moment?    We strive for success, learning, introducing positive change, gaining freedom, no fears, being better than everybody else out there. Everyone does. I agree with it to be the truth except for the fact to be better than anyone else. What you really need to do is, creating your better version at times, not of others.    Spend your time CREATING yourself into a person that you'll be proud of. 2. Take decisions Life is a wave of ups and downs. At times, you reach a climax when you are numb about life happenings, neither are capable of deciding answers to certain questions.  But little do you know is that these climax situations can


According to the Bible, " Love is patient and kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth...Love never ends". Love is not only two people wishing to spend their lives together but it is a perfect blend of respect, protectiveness, affection for each other. Love can exist in innumerable ways with numerous people at the same time . For example, God loves you, You love your dog, You are a lover of Books, You love your family, friends and life partner. In each relationship, love prevails. Love has no rules, no limitations but it does demand some liberty and freedom. 1. Do not let one's opinion to be forced on another 2. Have room for healthy conversations 3. Respect each other's personal space 4. If the conclusions to the decisions affect the two in the future, keep them to yourself. Do not let any further opini


1. Earn people In the average life of a human, we meet almost 80,000 people. Out of these one is capable of recollecting the faces of 1000 people. The figure reduces to 15% when it comes to remembering the conversations or some memories to barely 150 people. And a sudden decline in number for people, who are true to us in all respects except for the family to simply 1 or 2. 2 . Who do you find best  So, we see that we are surrounded by so many people in life, some who know us, others whom we know. Regardless of the fact that there are only a few people we genuinely earn in our lifetime. By staying profound, real to and for each other. Yet ever found, who among these is the best personality you infer to. A personality that is complete in their own, fully comprehensive, whole, excellent, and true in all aspects. If you do not have the answer, then clearly there's something you are missing on. Did you include yourself in!! The answer will seem pretty reasonable then.  It&#

COVID 19: Hidden Hope and Disability

If you think this blog is about to begin describing the physical health problems that the society is facing, you probably are in the wrong place. Because this is more than just physical health problems. While some of you are enjoying another day being home in this rigorous pandemic situation, locked in houses, there are tremendous people desperately waiting for the lockdown to end and situation to get better. The richest section during the lockdown period is supplemented by more than basic needs, enjoying the lifestyle, the middle class just being able to touch affordability, the poor section barely meeting their needs. What! there are more. The poorest of the poor. Can you think of them? Just try to think about all of them, what life they are living right now, what difficulties they are facing. But what else can we do right now for them? Empathizing is far more than just hard for us. " THE BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID IS THE WIDEST"   The section that deserves uttermost attention


Did you hear that..she just came out of depression! Oh my poor child, i had no idea you were suffering. Oh please, i am okay, why are you overrating it. It's just a phase that keeps hitting us sometimes. Don't you think it's a good test for examining our mental health stability. " Depression is a battle for a part of life, not for my entire life ". Aren't these words great to be heard from a 19 year old, who spent almost a complete year caught in agony, sorrow, hardships, and sufferings of depression. Quite absorbing to feel and understand. How do you define depression? If you excuse it for a negative explanation or opposite of the above, then let me correct you by saying, your message portrayal is wrong. For many, depression feels like- no end to their suffering , just as drowning and locating no one to catch and much more.. Think upon it again, you really feel there's no solution!! Here are some proven facts about depression √ Whe