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1.Discover yourself

Today, People tend to know others more than themselves. Like there's a fight between a couple, one out of them says out...
I know what you are feeling right now. Seriously!? This might be true to some extent
 But more important question is, Do you know yourself first? Do you even know what you are feeling at this moment? 
We strive for success, learning, introducing positive change, gaining freedom, no fears, being better than everybody else out there. Everyone does.
I agree with it to be the truth except for the fact to be better than anyone else. What you really need to do is, creating your better version at times, not of others. 

 Spend your time CREATING yourself into a person that you'll be proud of.

2. Take decisions

Life is a wave of ups and downs. At times, you reach a climax when you are numb about life happenings, neither are capable of deciding answers to certain questions. 

But little do you know is that these climax situations can turn to be your turning point.
You just have to take that ONE DECISION
A decision that you think is right for you, no matter what odds come but you will be ready to face them and overcome them.
So, DECIDE. Be the driver of your life ad be ready to take the blame for everything that happens then.

3. Physical and Mental health

When in life there is nothing left, by nothing we mean the Materialistic stuff and creatures, there will be one thing that will always reside. Your HEALTH. 
"When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;
When health is lost, something is lost"

So, take good care of your health, PHYSICAL and MENTAL. Stay strong emotionally, physically, and mentally.

4. Do not stop learning

Learning is a continuous process in life. You keep learning something from everything. For example, A stubborn kid teaches us to achieve what they need at any cost. A student teaches you to be regular. An adult teaches you to utilize your time properly, Similarly, as we used to create useful out of the waste back in school times, we need to keep learning in life phases as well. Everything and Everyone can be given a purpose and set an example to learn from.

5. Be part of the process

Your Life is a process. Like, if you do something, what will be its consequences, Whom is it going to affect, what changes you need to make then. 
Now, make a process for yourself to follow.  Do include the things that are most essential. The process that might include the following
• Making a routine and following it
• Keeping sleeping habits maintained
• Excelling in your talents or abilities you possess
• Working for the future plan
• And more 
Listing them isn't enough, Start following now.

6. Face your Fears

Do you face the same fear twice? If yes, why not overcome it at the very first go.
 One cannot be afraid of doing something twice. So, Isn't it better to just let go of trouble for once and for all?

Until you face your fears, you will be reminded of them each time, and this will slowly get on your nerve. Do not let this happen.Get rid of it.
Look straight into the eyes of fear, and observe how sooner it vanishes off.

7 Waves
Life Solutions| Connecting Happiness


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