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According to the Bible, " Love is patient and kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth...Love never ends".

Love is not only two people wishing to spend their lives together but it is a perfect blend of respect, protectiveness, affection for each other. Love can exist in innumerable ways with numerous people at the same time. For example, God loves you, You love your dog, You are a lover of Books, You love your family, friends and life partner. In each relationship, love prevails.

Love has no rules, no limitations but it does demand some liberty and freedom.
1. Do not let one's opinion to be forced on another
2. Have room for healthy conversations
3. Respect each other's personal space
4. If the conclusions to the decisions affect the two in the future, keep them to yourself. Do not let any further opinions to matter.
5. Sorry and Thank you are not mere words, they can do marvels
6. Love doesn't complete each other but gives the power to accept somebody completely
7. Expectations do not hurt in love but help build the relationship healthier and stronger.

We see people struggling in relationships, not because love doesn't exist, but probably because of the fear of losing out, the insecurities that develop.

"When you love someone, you can't hold them back, Love is a leap into the unknown, not a cautious dipping to the toe."

Ways to find out it's not Love
1. Falling for words, rather than the actions
2. When you get attracted to the body, not the soul
3. When you don't need them, but still want them for your glory( To complete you)
4. When you want them to change according to you
5. If you are angry or fighting, still choose to sleep rather than resolving issues
6. When your opinion seems to be more important than the right thing
7. If you can't apologize for your mistakes, it isn't love. Step back

What actually is love then?
1. Love in itself is complete
2. Accepting someone with all their flaws
3. Understanding and Listening to each other above right or wrong
4. When there is love, there is no fear
5. Embracing the imperfections
6. Being there for each other, no matter what
7. Mutual investment and support in each other's growth

The unfortunate truth is, no relationship is perfect and if two people honestly love each other, do they actually need the relationship tag embarked?

Love each other, with no terms and conditions applied.

7 Waves
Life Solutions| Connecting Happiness


  1. Absolutely Correct and I totally agreed

  2. The author must be a lovely person!!!!
    Keep writing please.

    1. Do check out 7 Waves previous blogs. Stay updated for more


    Such a beautiful blog. Please keep writing.

  4. Amazing Write-up!!
    Keep growing... Excited for the next blog!!

  5. Words of appreciation, is what we desire for.
    Keep supporting


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