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I once remember a kid of around 8 who was learning to ride a bicycle. He sat on the bicycle for the first time, so it was very obvious to be scared. And even horrifying, when he was told to ride it alone. Imagine your first time on a bicycle. 

I feel dreadful thinking of it.
My father who was walking beside me, while I rode for the first time, left the handle and I had no idea that he was left behind. When I noticed, he was not there to support me, I lost control of my balance and my brains too, and I fell down. I decided not to ever learn cycling again, but the next day I was forced to do go for it once again. I refused, but who would listen to me. So, we went I fell down even sooner that day. 
And I got so angry that I kicked the bicycle. My father then came up to me and asked, what am I scared of..falling down or not finding him beside me.
As a kid, I had no answer except saying, I was afraid. He held my hand and said, keep falling until you learn to ride, and even when you fall hundreds of times, I will still be here to pick you up.
The next day, we went again. And I somehow managed the third day and guess what, without falling.

As a kid, I had no idea how I made it, overcame my fear. But as a grown-up, now I realize what actually motivated me that day.
When my father said, "Keep falling, until you learn, I will be there". The fear then vanished and confidence was built.

At many moments in life, when you face hardships, you feel that it can't be solved. But things fall in place with time. Ever discovered how you made through these problems?

Motivation is the tool behind each of them.

There is motivation hidden behind everything, small or big. From living life to death, there is motivation in everything.

You take birth, but before that, you survive in the mother's womb for 9 months. The mother bears unbearable pain to give birth to you, the pain that is so severe, intolerable, and outrageous. But still, she manages because there is the motivation behind her carrying all the pain, LOVE. Her unconditional love towards her baby keeps her motivated. 

When you take birth and are growing every day, what you require is food to feed on. Why do you need food, ever thought of it?
What keeps you motivated to eat??
The reason is survival. To survive, to live, to let your body grow you need to take food. 

While going to school, as a kid you keep on crying but your parents however never let you sit home and enjoy. They might force you to go to school, besides all your crying and stubborn behavior. But what's the main motivation of sending you to school and studying?
It's Learning, to gain knowledge, learning to do something great.

After your studies are over, you get hired for a job. tiring, boring just the same dragging 9-5 job every day, you do not really enjoy your job but still continue..why?
Because of your need for money and dependency

When on the death bed, when you know it is the time. You pray and wish to die..why?
Why will someone grant such a wish for themselves?
But there is the motivation behind dying too, getting rid of all the physical pain that you might experience which can make conditions worse for you. So one feels better to die than to suffer on the death bed.

We are sitting at our homes in this pandemic, not because we are forced to, but the real motivation behind is to stay alive, overcome the virus, win over it.

There is a motivation behind everything in life. From taking birth to dying..and everything in between.
Survival is not possible without motivation. One can live without food for some days, but its impossible to live without Motivation.
There is motivation in every little thing, from an ant to an elephant, from a seed to a tree, from an infant to a grown-up, from cradle to death bed.

You might not be able to see the Motivation at times, but remember no matter how big problems are, there is always hope, this hope is your Motivation.

7 Waves
Life Solutions| Connecting Happiness


  1. U people are doing a great job. Try hard to reach to more and more people..........and remember
    "7 waves is also a hope a hope of a peaceful and happy world."

  2. Self inspiration is the best inspiration. Doing good. Keep it up!!


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