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7 Unsaid Rules of Friendship

You are into a deep conversation with your friends, and that's the moment they will crack the best jokes ever.

You are afraid of the waters...but friends will still make you jump in it.

You like somebody but wait for the right
moment to tell. But friends, they will end up teasing you straight before that somebody.

Friends are insane but no less than a blessing in your life. Here are 7 unsaid rules that friends follow. Unsaid, because these rules exist between friends even without any saying.

1. No forced decisions 
Friends never tell you what to do. 
They will always show you two different sides to a dilemma. Which one to choose is always your decision. 

2. Choose you without judgments 
They have seen your best and your worst but still chose to love you unconditionally. They know about all your crazy ideas, evil deeds but will still choose to be with you, for you always

3. Valid reviews only
Friends will always boost you frankly.
When you ask them how to look in a particular dress, you will get expert critic answers only. Even when you need the review to be best, yet 'Honest Answers Only'

4. Admire the differences and silences
Not everyone is the same. Appreciate the arguments, enjoy the likenesses.
Friends interpret the silence of each other. It's not always mandatory to say things at the first go, give them time when things go wrong, to process various stuff. 
Friends have a space for silence too.

5. The silver lining in the dark clouds
Friends motivate you to do better, to achieve dreams, they bring out the best in you. 
At times, when you feel hopeless, you will find these people standing with you, grabbing your hand. They not only tell you that everything is going to be fine, but they believe in you and in the fact to make things possible.

6. Confessions
Confess about what you feel. You agree to something or even if you disagree with something, say it loud. You did a mistake, apologize for it whenever you realize. Confessions will keep your bond stronger. Don't say a sorry or thank you in friendship, rather it's valuable to be sorry and to be thankful.

Now, here is the most important rule of friendship 

7. Maintaining the balance 
No friendship works without the 'Give and Take' code. The balance of doing for each other is what keeps your bond strong and everlasting.
Nothing can loosen the rope that is held tightly at both ends. 

Keep up in equanimity, Stay in equilibrium 

Be crazy together!

7 Waves
Life Solutions| Connecting Happiness



  1. Well done 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  2. I appreciate your efforts ❤
    Great friends can write like this
    Great 🔥🔥🔥

  3. "Nothing can loosen the rope that is held tightly at both ends" Unless the friend does it deliberately 😂😂


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