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Showing posts from February, 2020


Waking up from a nightmare makes us feel relieved but, what if life seems to be a nightmare to you!  This is the state when you are mentally affected, depressed. Depression is the feeling of dejection, situations where you feel like there is no end to your suffering. People have sorrows, that they don't share but in such cases, it becomes very important to talk because the quality of life depends on your mental health. Darkness cannot be driven out by darkness itself, only light can do that. So, do not suffer in silence.  Instead, talk to people because   IT IS OK TO TALK WE CAN EASILY FORGIVE A CHILD WHO IS AFRAID OF THE DARK; THE REAL TRAGEDY OF LIFE IS WHEN MEN ARE AFRAID OF THE LIGHT. - PLATO You go in the dark, lonely all by yourself. The least you can expect at this time is somebody to hug you and make you forget all the sorrow you have for a moment. No questions, no explanations, only understanding. Such moments are the ones that act as a silver lining i


What can be the best way to cross a hurdle in your life! Is it interrogation about our own life to others or yourself? The answer is, way too clear. Introspection is an examination of one's own emotions and thoughts. It gives us valuable insight into ourselves. If we are the ones suffering, we should be the only ones to have the integrity to answer ourselves. Knowing others is intelligence but knowing yourself is true wisdom .  The various ways how you can know yourself are - Discover your strengths and work harder to improve them. Close your eyes and take deep breathe and relax your mind into deep awareness. Write your thoughts if you can't talk about them to anyone. See yourself honestly and accept yourself. Figure out the ways to strengthen yourself. Look back at your mistakes, to learn from them not to become sad. Don't stay trapped in them. Stay optimistic while thinking about your future. Do not long to love and to be loved. Deal a


Dreams don't come true unless you do. The path to your dreams is not always easy to navigate. Remember to believe in yourself and your dreams. Only you have the patience, the courage, and the passion to turn things around. So, never give up because dreams don't come true through magic overnight. You need to work harder each day to make every step count in the staircase towards success. "NOTHING HAPPENS UNLESS FIRST A DREAM"   -CARL SANDBURG Choosing and being able to accomplish a job that you always dream of is a nutshell to crack. It's a dream come true. Dream job never exists, so don't just wish for your dream job, start working for it. Put all your will, dedication and determination to achieve the career you want. Things may seem tough at the start but you will notice how moving just one step closer towards your dream job gives you immense pleasure and happiness. "WORK TO BECOME, NOT TO ACQUIRE"   -ELBERT HUBBARD 7 Waves Li